Thursday, April 25, 2013

Family and Friends

How wonderful to be living in a place that invites entertaining friends and family! We've had friends over for several dinners and one birthday party (the almost-annual party we hold with several friends [including Gerri Lynn] who have birthdays during the first quarter of the year), and have had dinner with various Seigelmans several times.

Elizabeth will be spending a week with us, flying in from California this Saturday, and Susan and family plan to come visit with us all the next day. Susan and her family got to enjoy the Seigelman pool and hospitality when the extended Tallarita family (17 people) stayed at our house for a week after Hurricane Rita hit Beaumont, and Marian and family were able to take advantage of that same pool and hospitality later when they stayed with us for a while after moving back to Texas from New Mexico, and both families remember it with awe and fondness. I don't believe Elizabeth has experienced the place, so it will be fun introducing her to it. 

And Tom's brother Richard and his wife Marsha spent the night with us Monday night en route from Baton Rouge to their home in Tulsa; we have seen very little of them in recent years, so it was good to have them.

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